Watch the Webinar Replay: “Learn How to Read a Horse”

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The full webinar replay is available below.


What You’ll

Learn in This Webinar

  • Understand Your Horse’s Conformation

  • Learn how your horse’s physical build impacts your training and how to recognize the challenges and talents of the body from your horse.

  • Recognize Behavioral Traits

  • Discover how to work with your horse’s unique characteristics for smoother and more effective communication

  • Identify Your Own Strengths

  • Understand how your mindset and skills influence the training process and where you can grow

  • Tips for Choosing the Right Horse

  • Get practical advice on selecting a horse that aligns with your goals and abilities.

Terms and conditions

A Message from

Kenneth Vansweevelt

“Thank you for taking the time to deepen your understanding of horse training. My goal is to help you build a harmonious, sustainable, and fulfilling relationship with your horse, while reaching the beauty of the dressage exercises. Enjoy the replay, and I hope you find practical insights you can start using today!”

Kenneth Vansweevelt, Licensed Bent Branderup Trainer

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Article I. Definitions and scope

In these general terms and conditions, the following definitions apply:

  • "General Terms and Conditions": apply to all orders placed with, Kenneth Vansweevelt BV, with registered office at Konijnepad 27 3980 Tessenderlo Belgium, hereinafter  referred to as the "Service Provider". "Us, Our, or We" refers to the Service Provider. The general terms and conditions consisting of Part A (General) and Part B (User Management Conditions)

  • These General Terms and Conditions constitute the agreement between the Service Provider and the Customer, they are hereinafter collectively  referred to as the "Parties".

  • The "Account Holder" is any natural or legal person who orders online services from the Seller.  "You, Your, Yours" refer to the Account Holder.

  • The "Consumer" is the Account Holder, a natural person, who acts for purposes that fall outside his trade, business, craft or profession.

  • My account: the environment of the Website accessible via a login and password for Account holders and Account Users

  • "Account User": an employee of, or a person who is otherwise employed by and under the responsibility of, the Account Holder, who is registered as a user of the Services with the Account Holder and Kenneth Vansweevelt BV

  • "services": the services described on the Website and/or in these Terms and Conditions

  • "User": Account User, Account Holder and/or other user of the Website and/or the information

  • "Information": the information made available to Users by Kenneth Vansweevelt BV on or via the website or in the context of the services

  • "Agreement": the agreement between Kenneth Vansweevelt BV and the Account Holder on the basis of which the Account Holder is registered with Kenneth Vansweevelt BV and [name of company] provides Services to that Account Holder

  • "Website": the website of Kenneth Vansweevelt BV on including subsequent pages


Article II. Scope

These General Terms and Conditions are solely applicable between the Parties.

These exclude the general or special terms and conditions of the Account Holder that have not been expressly accepted by Us in writing.  The Account Holder declares to have taken note of these General Terms and Conditions, in such a way that he/she accepts the rights and obligations arising therefrom by placing an order.

We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time, without prior notice.  These changes will apply to the orders of products placed afterwards.

Part A (General) of the General Terms and Conditions applies to the use of the Website and the Information.  Part B (User Management) applies to the registration of the Account Holder, the Account User and the (formation of the) Agreement.  Other parts of the General Terms and Conditions apply to the Agreement insofar as it relates to the specific Services described in those parts (as well as to those Services themselves).

Article III. Use of Website and Services

Kenneth Vansweevelt BV determines the terms and conditions under which the Website and the online Services can be used. Notwithstanding Our efforts to remedy malfunctions and limitations as soon as possible and to minimize any inconvenience to Users, We cannot guarantee that the Website and the Services will operate without limitations or malfunctions at all times, also due to necessary maintenance and the dependence of the Website and the Services on the Internet and technologies that are under development.

Users are responsible for the necessary electricity, connections, hardware, (the installation of) software and peripherals and other facilities to be able to connect to Our system.

Users are not permitted to initiate or allow processes to continue that they can reasonably suspect will hinder the other users of the Internet or adversely affect the use of the Website and/or the Services.

By purchasing or using at least one of our online Services, You also agree that they have read and comply with and use Our services in accordance with Our disclaimer, privacy statement and any other terms and conditions.

Article IV. Liability

We are not liable for any damage resulting from or in connection with:

1. The use of the Website or the use of electronic means of communication with the Website or with third parties, including, but not limited to, damages resulting from non-delivery or delay in the delivery of electronic messages, interception or manipulation of electronic messages by third parties or by software or equipment used for electronic communication and transmission of viruses;

2. Information from Users or from a third party.

You indemnify Us against claims by third parties relating to information provided by these Users or any other use of the Website, the Information or the Services.

We strive for a Website that is as up-to-date as possible.  If, despite Our efforts, the Information or content on this Website is incomplete and/or incorrect, We cannot accept any liability for this.  The Information, Services and/or Products on this Website are offered without any form of guarantee and/or claim to accuracy.  We reserve the right to change, remove and/or repost these materials without prior notice.

Article V. Links with other websites

The Website may contain links to external Internet pages.  We are not liable for the use and/or content of these Internet pages to which a link is included on the Website or of Internet pages on which a link is included to the Website.  The Privacy Statement and the Cookie Statement do not apply to personal data collected and processed on or through these external websites.

Article VI. Property rights

Unless otherwise indicated on the Website or in the terms and conditions, all rights, including copyright and other intellectual property rights, in the Website, the Information and the Services are vested in Us.  Users may consult the Website, the Information and/or the Services and make copies for their own use only.  Any other use of the Website, the Information and/or the Services, for example the storage or reproduction of (part of) the Website in another internet page or the creation of links, hyperlinks or deep links between the Website and any other internet page, is not permitted without Our express permission.

Article VII. Personal data

In the context of the agreement between You and Us, We collect and process personal data of Users.  We are the controller with regard to the processing of this personal data.

The data processed by Us are:

  • Surname and first name

  • Address

  • telephone number

  • Company Name

  • function

  • Bank account and credit card details

  • Company number

  • VAT number

We use this personal data for the purpose of the execution of agreements with you. In addition, the data is used to maintain contact with Users who are registered with Us (including Account holders) and to inform those persons by post or e-mail about new developments with regard to Us, Our Services or with regard to (new) products or services that We offer.

If the receipt of such notification by e-mail is no longer desired, the recipient can unsubscribe at any time via an opt-out link at the bottom of the message. By providing personal data to Us, You expressly consent to the processing of personal data.

A complete overview of the processed personal data can be found in our privacy statement.

Users whose data is processed have the right to request access to this data and, if the data is incorrect or incomplete, the right to correct or delete the data.

We have taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect personal data against loss or any form of unlawful processing. These measures shall ensure, taking into account the state of the art and the costs of implementation, an appropriate level of security in view of the risks involved in the processing and the nature of the data to be protected.

In principle, the information collected is only processed and/or consulted by Our staff members or by authorised persons or processors acting on our behalf and instructions.

If you have any questions regarding the rules regarding the processing of personal data, you can contact Us by using the following e-mail address [email protected].

Article VIII. Cookie Statement

When using the Website, We collect information by means of Cookies about, among other things but not limited to, the use of the Website. 

Cookies are small text files that are sent by a website to the visitor's internet browser, which places the text file on the hard drive of the visitor's computer.  This enables the Website to recognise visitors on a subsequent visit and to generate statistical data about the use of the Website.Password Cookies are used to guide the visitor to their own page as quickly and easily as possible.Other Cookies are used to better tailor the Website to the needs of the visitor and to make it more user-friendly.

Visitors can manage cookies in the following way(s):

There are several ways to manage the cookies that are placed on Your device when You visit Our Website. Certain cookies cannot be disabled. Please note that by deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies, you may not be able to access certain areas or features of our site.

1. Cookie Consent Tool/Manager 

You can control the cookies set on your device by configuring the settings in the cookie banner/cookie tool pop-up. Strictly necessary cookies are indispensable because they ensure network communication. You can choose to accept or decline other types of cookies, such as performance or language preference cookies.

2. You can also use the Settings of your web browser to enable or disable cookies. Please note that if You use Your browser settings to block all cookies, You may not be able to access parts of our Websites. Below you will find the links to the cookie settings of the most popular browsers:

Every visitor has the right to request access to their data and, if the data is incorrect or incomplete, the right to correct or delete the data.  To this end, an e-mail can be sent to [email protected].

Article IX. Cases of force majeure or fortuitous circumstances

We cannot be held liable either contractually or extra-contractually in the event of temporary or permanent non-performance of its obligations, if this non-performance is the result of force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances.

The following are considered to be cases of force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances:

1. The loss or total or partial destruction of Our computer system or database, if any of these events cannot reasonably be attributed directly to Us and if it cannot be demonstrated that We failed to take all reasonable measures that could have prevented these events

2. Earthquakes

3. FireFloods

4. Epidemics

5. Acts of war or terrorism

6. Announced and unannounced strikes

7. Lock-outs

8. Blockages

9. Uprisings and riots

10. Suspension of utilities (e.g. electricity) 

11. Defects in the internet connection or databases

12. Deficiencies in telecommunications networks

13. Loss of connection to the Internet or to telecommunications networks on which We depend

14. Facts or decisions of third parties that affect the proper performance of this agreement

15. Any other cause beyond Our reasonable control

Article X. Unforeseeability

If, due to circumstances beyond our control, the latter is no longer able to meet its obligations or if the performance of this contract has become more expensive or difficult, we undertake to renegotiate the contractual terms in good faith and in a loyal manner within a reasonable period of time in order to restore the balance.  In the absence of agreement within a reasonable period of time, each Party shall have the right to invoke the dissolution of the agreement and of the contractual relationships binding the Parties without being liable for any compensation of any kind.

Article XI. Termination of the contract

In the event of the insolvency of Account Holders or in the event of unpaid debts, even if arising from previous agreements between the Account Holder and Us, We are entitled to suspend the performance of Our obligations until the day of full payment of all outstanding debts against You.

In the event of non-performance of Your obligations, We are entitled to terminate the agreement immediately against You, without being liable for any form of compensation.  This termination of the agreement may, where appropriate, give rise to the payment of damages and interest by You to Us.

Article XII. Electronic communication

The Parties' representatives may communicate with each other by electronic means.  Where applicable, the following presumptions will be applied in the event of failure to use a qualified electronic signature:

  • The presence of an identification code in the electronic document is sufficient to identify the sending person and to establish the authenticity of the document

  • An electronic document with an identification code as its content counts as a document signed by the sending person

  • An electronic document or any printout of such a document, kept in accordance with current commercial practice, is considered an original

Article XIII. Vanity

If any provision in this agreement is found to be null and void, this will not affect the validity of the entire General Terms and Conditions. In this case, the parties will adopt (a) new provision(s) to replace it, with which the intention of the original provision is given shape as far as legally possible.

Article XIV. Headings

The headings used in this Agreement are used for reference and convenience only.  They do not in any way affect the meaning or scope of the provisions they designate.

Article XV. Totality and integrality of the general terms and conditions

These general terms and conditions represent the totality and integrality of the agreement concluded between the Parties.  No statement, representation, promise or condition not contained in the Agreement may or should be permitted to contradict, modify or affect the relationship contained in this Agreement in any way.

Article XVI. Dispute resolution, applicable law and competent jurisdiction

This agreement is subject to Belgian law.

In the event of a dispute regarding the validity, interpretation, execution or termination of the agreement, the Parties agree to resolve the dispute in the first instance among themselves.  Consumers can use the European ODR platform for this via this link.  In the event that the Parties are unable to resolve the dispute that has intervened mutually, the Parties agree to initiate a mediation procedure before proceeding to any other method of dispute resolution.  They wish to appeal to the Consumer Ombudsman Service for this.

In the event that the Parties are unable to resolve the dispute that has intervened mutually, the Parties agree to initiate a mediation procedure before proceeding to any other method of dispute resolution.

Where appropriate, the Parties shall appoint an accredited mediator from the Federal Mediation Commission (Simon Bolivarlaan 30 (WTC III), 1000 Brussels, ) or have a third party appoint this accredited mediator.Once a mediator has been appointed, the Parties determine the modalities of the mediation together with the mediator.

Either Party may terminate the mediation procedure at any time, without prejudice to any other rights.

In the event that the mediation procedure fails, the court of the judicial district of Hasselt is competent.


Article XVII. Definitions

The terms defined in this Part B of the General Terms and Conditions have the meaning given to them in Part A.

Article XVIII. Scope

This Part B (User Management) of the General Terms and Conditions applies, without prejudice to the applicability of Part A (General) of the Terms and Conditions, to the registration of the Account Holder, the Account User and the (formation of the) Agreement.

In the event that the Agreement ends, the Terms in this Part B will continue to govern the relationship between Us and the User to the extent necessary for the settlement of the obligations that continue to apply at the time of termination.

We reserve the right to amend or supplement this Part B of the Terms and Conditions at any time and will notify You of any changes or additions to this Part B at least 30 days before they become effective by posting them on the Website.  These changes will apply to the orders of products placed afterwards.

Article XVIX. Conclusion of the Agreement

To place an order, choose the Service(s) You wish to order on Our Website.  You fill in the requested information, check the accuracy of the order, accept these Terms and Conditions and then make the payment.

After confirmation of payment We will send you a summary of your order.  This summary includes the order number, the Services ordered and their price, these General Terms and Conditions or a link to them, an activation link as well as the confirmation that it is a digital product for which you lose your right of withdrawal and that you were informed of this when placing your order.

We reserve the right to suspend, cancel or refuse Your order, in particular if the information communicated by You is manifestly incorrect or incomplete or if there is a dispute regarding the payment of a previous order.

Article XX. Price

The price of the Services is shown in euros, including taxes.

Any increase in VAT (Value Added Tax) or any new tax that may be imposed between the time of the order and the delivery and/or execution will be automatically charged to you.

Article XXI. Duration of the Agreement

Present agreement is concluded for the duration of indicated with the product with effect from the day of purchase to terminate for the duration after the period after purchaseUnless agreed between the Parties, this agreement will terminate on the day of expiry without tacit renewal.

Termination may relate to an Agreement in its entirety or may relate to the Agreement insofar as it relates to a particular category of Services.

Article XXII. Intellectual property rights

1. Limited license.

All our Services are exclusively owned by Our, Our affiliates and/or licensors and are protected by copyright Kenneth Vansweevelt BV and other intellectual property rights.

Unless otherwise specified, the content of Services is Our sole property or is subject to licenses permitted by Us.  This content includes, but is not limited to, the following: design, layout, appearance, appearance, graphic form.  Reproduction is not permitted under this limited license as part of these Terms and Conditions.

When you purchase or use Our Services or other materials, you are considered to be Our licensee.  Of course, we remain the exclusive owner of all the Services and/or other material as well as their content.  You obtain a limited, revocable license for your own, non-commercial use.  This means that You must not use the material in such a way that the use infringes Our rights or in a way that is not permitted by Us.

As such, you obtain a limited license when you purchase or otherwise authorize our programs, products, services, or other materials through Our website.

2. Permitted Uses

You may download and print Our Services or other related material and its content for your own private use only.  However, you are not permitted to share, sell, reproduce or republish this material and its content for use by your own company or share it with friends, acquaintances or colleagues.  If the latter wish to access the materials, they will have to purchase their own user license.

All slogans, logos, and marks on the Services are Our sole property.  For the use of other trademarks on Our website of which We do not own or licensee, We have the express permission of the trademark owner.  No use thereof, including framing, meta tags is permitted without Our express written permission. 

When using slogans, logos and marks for which you have obtained Our express permission to use them, the mark ® must be visible at all times. No marketing or promotional tool and/or program or services or any other information provided by Us, even with the mention of the trademark symbol ® , may be used by You for any reason without Our express written consent.

All rights that have not been granted to You in these General Terms and Conditions or by written permission remain Ours.

3. Prohibition to share information with others.

As a licensee, You understand and acknowledge that Our Services and other program materials have been designed or obtained by Us through significant investments in time, effort and cost that make Our Services valuable, unique, special and as such must be protected from improper or unauthorized use.

When You purchase a Service, You expressly agree to refrain from the following:

  • copying, sharing, or stealing all or part of Our Services or program materials. 

  • copying, adapting, and using all or part of Our Services or program material as if it were Your creation or designed by You.

  • the improper or unauthorized use of Our Services or program materials.  False and unauthorized means but not limited to modifying, copying, reproducing, republishing, uploading, posting, transmitting, translating, selling, creating derivative works from, exploiting or distributing in any way or medium (including e-mail or other electronic transmission systems) of Our program material or other information to which You have accessed exclusively and for your personal or business use whether through purchase on Our Website or through any other means of communication or any other form of use and from which You earn money or otherwise enrich it.

  • copying, sharing, trading, selling or otherwise distributing All or any part of Our Services or program materials to others whether for their personal use or commercial use or for the purpose of monetization or otherwise enrichment.  This is regardless of whether or not you were aware of the recipient's intention at the time of communication.  You are therefore responsible for any form of misuse committed by the third party with the program material communicated to him by you.  You are the only one with a valid license of use granted by Us.

  • infringe or infringe Our intellectual property rights, including copyright.  The right to download, print or otherwise use Our Services or program materials for Your own training purposes does not make You entitled to 

    copyrights or (intellectual) property rights to these products.

  • rewrite or republish all or part of our Services or program materials or use compilations thereof in Your own programs, products, services or program materials in such a way as to monetize or otherwise enrich You.

  • use Our Services or program materials in any way that infringes Our rights or is not permitted in these terms of use.

You understand and agree that any form of unauthorized, improper or unauthorized use of Our Services, program materials and/or Website, as described in these terms of use, is a form of theft for which We reserve all rights to bring legal action; This includes damages before civil courts and/or complaints, whether or not accompanied by civil action before the criminal courts.

4. Restriction on use of links and framing.

You are not permitted to use hyperlinks, framing or deep linking to Our programs, products, services or program materials.

5. The permission you grant us.

By posting or submitting to or through Our Services or program materials, such as comments, messages, photos, images, videos, or other contributions, you represent that you own those materials and that you are at least 16 years of age.

When You voluntarily post or submit comments, messages, photographs, images, videos or other contributions to be used on or by means of Our Website, You grant Us or anyone authorized to represent Us the right to use such contribution on Our current and/or future Website, Services and/or program materials.  This right implies that You grant Us (intellectual) property rights without further permission being required, and that You waive the right to claim compensation.  At any time, you can request us to delete the information you have provided. Your rights in connection with the use of your personal data can be found in Our privacy statement.

By communicating comments, messages, photos, images, videos or other contributions to Us, you grant Us and anyone authorized to represent Us the right to identify You as the author.  For this We will publish Your surname and first name and country of residence.  You also acknowledge that We have the right, but not the obligation, to use or publish any of Your submitted contributions and that the choice to opt-out of further use of Your contribution at any time and for any reason remains solely with Us.  Of course, You can object to this at any time and request Us to delete the information provided.

6. Release and Use of Messages.

If, on the occasion of using Our Services or any other program, you provide material and/or facebook or the platform community with photos, videos and/or audio files that may contain your image, voice or other personal data, you give us permission to share this information with prospective or existing customers who have subscribed to or purchased Our programs,  products and/or services.

7. Intellectual property of your own work.

We acknowledge Your intellectual property rights in Your own work created through the use of Our Services, as there are, but not limited to, copyright and trademark rights.  The protection of Your work includes but is not limited to all of Your ideas, programs or offers. We will not copy, borrow, steal, or otherwise use Your ideas, programs, or offers in Our own programs, products, or services.  We will refrain from claiming any ownership or intellectual right in Your work in any way.

8. Request to Use Content.

All requests for full or partial use of Our Services and/or program material or Our intellectual or other property rights to the content of Our Services, will be addressed to Us BEFORE YOU proceed to use them.  You can request this right of use by sending an email to [email protected], or by filling in the contact form on our website.Except as expressly agreed by Us in writing, it is in no way permitted to use all or part of Our Services and/or program material or its content in a way that violates these Terms and Conditions.

In the event that you have been granted permission for full or partial use, this use may never exceed the limits of the permission granted.  The use will be done according to the guidelines of the granted permission.

If the use of the content in such a way that it falls outside the given permission, the user will be guilty of unauthorized copying, duplication and/or stealing of content which You will immediately terminate in the manner indicated by Us, with the aim of protecting Our (intellectual) property on programs, products, services and/or program material.

Article XXIII. Termination of the contract

In the event of the insolvency of the Account Holder or in the event of unpaid debts, even if arising from previous agreements between the Account Holder and Us, We shall be entitled to suspend the performance of Our obligations until the day of full payment of all Your outstanding debts.

In the event of non-performance of Your obligations, We may immediately terminate the contract against You, without being liable for any form of compensation.  This termination of the agreement may give rise to the payment of damages and interest to Us.

Article XXIV. Termination of the agreement

1. Termination by final term

If a Party fails to fulfil its obligations, but it is still possible to remedy this default, the agreement will terminate ex officio 31 days after the other Party has given the defaulting Party notice of default by registered letter to comply with its obligations arising from this agreement, if the desired effect is not taken on this notice of default.

2. Termination with immediate effect

If one Party is guilty of deliberate fraud towards the other Party or commits a serious error that has the effect of affecting the trust between the Parties to such an extent that any further cooperation becomes impossible, the other Party may terminate the agreement immediately without having to respect any notice period and without being liable for any compensation.

In such a case, the Party wishing to terminate the agreement must do so by registered letter, in which the reasons for termination are clearly stated, within 31 days after the event that gave rise to the termination has taken place.

This Agreement shall also terminate ex officio if a Party is declared bankrupt or is the subject of judicial or voluntary collective liquidation proceedings for part or all of its activities.

Termination of (part of) the Agreement in accordance with this article does not affect the obligation to comply with outstanding obligations.

Article XXV. Loss of your right of withdrawal

According to Article VI.47 of the Code of Economic Law, the Consumer has the right to withdraw from a distance sale for at least 14 days without giving a reason and with a refund of the purchase price. 

The performance of our Services will commence as soon as You have obtained from Us via email the confirmation of purchase and the information that gives You access to Your account.  You acknowledge that as soon as You access our Digital Services, You lose Your right to withdraw from Your purchase within 14 days.

The loss of Your right of withdrawal will be communicated to You again in Our confirmation that gives You access to Our digital Services.

Article XXVI. Your obligations

You guarantee that the data that you provide to us in the context of (the conclusion of) an Agreement (including registration) or the Services are complete and up-to-date.  We reserve the right to refuse incomplete applications for registration.

The Account Holder guarantees the accuracy and completeness of the data of its Account Users. An Account Holder must regularly check his data for accuracy and completeness and complete and change it himself in his account.

Based on the data provided by You to Us, You will receive a username with corresponding password. 

The password of the Account Holder and Account User is strictly personal and non-transferable.  The Account Holder and the Account Users must handle their password with care, keep it confidential and keep it in a safe place or store it.  Loss, theft or (suspected) misuse or improper use of a password by a third party must be reported to the Service Provider without delay.  Until the time of notification, the Account Holder and the Account Users are liable for all damages resulting from the use of the password.

Article XXVII. Liability

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article IV of Part A of the General Terms and Conditions, We will not be liable for any damage arising from or in connection with:

1. Rejecting an Account Holder's request

2. Shortcomings of Kenneth Vansweevelt as a result of incorrect or incomplete data of the Account Holders.

3. Information from the Account Holders

You indemnify Us against any claims against Us by third parties in connection with information originating from You.

If it turns out that We have imputably failed to perform Our obligations to You, We will only be liable to You for direct damage, which is exclusively understood to mean the damage directly caused to Your property (which does not include software or computer systems).  The aforementioned liability is limited to a maximum of the amount equal to a percentage of 75% of the amount actually paid by You to Us in execution of the order / the amount that We have received for the Services in question during the past 12 months.  Direct damage does not include any damage other than the aforementioned damage.  Further liability on Our part for any reason whatsoever for any damage You may suffer as a result of using the Services Website is excluded.

We are not responsible if You have provided Us with incorrect information, or if an order is placed by a third party in Your name.None of the limitations of liability referred to in this article apply if and insofar as the damage is the result of intent or deliberate recklessness on the part of Kenneth Vansweevelt BV.

Article XXVIII. Transfer of rights

We are entitled to transfer rights and obligations under the Agreement (including the General Terms and Conditions) to a third party without Your consent.  You are not entitled to transfer (any) rights and/or obligations under the Agreement (including these General Terms and Conditions) to a third party without Our consent.

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All Rights Reserved Kenneth Vansweevelt

All Rights 2025 Reserved Kenneth Vansweevelt